PSI TV Launches Self-Serve TV Offer

Tampa immigration lawyer on PSI TV

PSI TV launched a new way for business owners, experts, and authors to share their offers on their channels.

Host Trudy Beerman pre-asked video questions to guests interested in this more affordable option to share their offer with the PSI TV audience. Guests respond to the questions, and when they are happy with their recorded responses, the video responses are submitted to PSI TV to become a 5-minute TV segment.

Several guests have already submitted their 5-minute shows during the testing phase, and now the full rollout of this affordable way to share with the PSI TV audience is available. Priced at $97, this opportunity can be accessed 24/7 on the PSI TV website. Traditional interviews are still an option, but some guests felt camera shy, challenged to wait for an interview slot, or felt the participation fee was just a bit out of their budget. The pilot audience has positively received the 5-minute, self-driven video response.

These 5-minute TV spots are then shared on the PSI TV channel, which has a presence on Apple TV, Roku TV, Amazon Fire TV, and VIDAA TV. These episodes will also be shared with PSI TV’s social media followers.

Here is a show sample where the guest, a Tampa Immigration Lawyer, shares her offer with the PSI TV audience.

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